Friday, December 14, 2018

Critique of Famous Artwork

The artwork I will be critiquing is Starry Night. Starry Night was painted by the world-famous Vincent Van Gogh. His piece of artwork is oil painting, the medium of this artwork is painting. Vincent Van Gogh painted this artwork in June of 1989. As you can see in the painting it is night time in some sort of village. You can see the circles, you can see the moon crescent, and you can see the little stars glowing. He used a lot of colors in this painting, he used brown for the tree stump coming out of the ground. He used yellow and white for the moon and stars. And he used blue for the sky and the hills in the background.
In his artwork all the strands of the tree stump are the same colors. They all have the same white dots on them. There’s a lot of similar colors in this art work also, same blues, same yellow, and same brown. Most of the shapes are similar in this artwork except for the moon’s shape. The moon has a crescent shape while the stars have a circular shape. The trees and the hills also have different paint strokes from each other. For continuities, blue is repeated a lot of times, in the sky, on the hills, and a little on the houses.  All the house’s windows have the same shape windows and roofs, There’s a continuities of the stars same shape. No spatial devices were used in Vincent’s artwork. Rhythm is used, the hills are examples of rhythm. Overall the qualities of his artwork are the colors, the shapes, and the paint strokes. They are all well put together and they go together.
Vincent is trying to express nighttime in a village, he’s showing all the stars and the moon shining down on the village. He painted his view from the window he was at in a mental hospital. He doesn’t have a message behind it really. But in my opinion, I think his message is if you get ill you shouldn’t stop painting no matter where you are. The reason I say that is because he sat down from the window in his hospital room and painted the view he could see from the window. Even though he was ill he still painted and didn’t stop.
Parts of the work in Starry Night is interrelated, they all connect to one another. The sky being dark connects with the stars and moons. It puts a comfort mood onto the painting. Then, the houses connect with the moon shining down onto them because in real life the moon actually shines down onto your house. Yes, this painting communicates and idea. I say this because if you really think about it somebody who’s sat down and really looked at the painting can feel where Vincent was coming from. His painting gave you a feeling that is comfortable and relaxing. And it can possibly give you ideas. Yes, I am moved by this work the artwork is pretty and it gets me into a comfort mood/ calming mood. I think the artwork was well down, I think he touched down on everything well and made the audience feel something and give them some sort of vibe. My aesthetics judgement is that this painting gives you a good feeling/vibe when you look at it.

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