Thursday, May 16, 2019

About Me Post

My name is Paige, I am in the 9th grade. I am 15 years old and my favorite colors are blue, gray. olive green. and yellow. I like to make people laugh and I like giving.

Frog Artwork

This is my frog, we drew frogs to enter into the Nancy Guinn Library contest. 

Metal Tooling

I did a flower on this project with a texture in the background. I like flowers and I like how the ink came onto it.

Tempra Batik

We had to draw an animal and put the animal around an environment. Then trace the lines with chalk then paint. After that we put ink on it and washed the ink away to give it that look. 


For this project we had to draw something ones and trace it, and transfer it. Every time you transfer it it's the same shape. I chose these colors because they go together.

Graphed Portrait

We had to draw someone we liked/look up to. I did Queen Naija, I like her music and her attitude

Thursday, January 24, 2019


I did a winter theme installation because I love winter. I love the snow & activities you can do. I also love winter because I was born in winter.